Gazlay Family History

FamilyJames Henry Mather, Jr.


FatherJames Henry Mather, Sr. ( - )
MotherCaroline May Hurlburt ( - )

Personal Information

Record Created: 1 May 2017; Last Edited: 1 May 2017 
Person ID8525
NameJames Henry Mather, Jr.
Born 26 February 1908 in New London, New London County, Connecticut1, 2
Married 21 July 1928 to Mary Rose Scovish3
Died 23 December 1989 in New London, New London County, Connecticut2
Buried in St. Mary Cemetery, New London, New London County, Connecticut2


Spouse 1FamilyMary Rose Scovish (daughter of Stanley Scovish (born Stanislaw Skubisz) and Antoinette Krupowski (born Antoinette Prekopska))
Born 14 September 1911 in Jersey City, Hudson County, New Jersey
Married 21 July 1928 to James Henry Mather, Jr.
Died 14 October 1989 in New London, New London County, Connecticut
Children of James Henry Mather, Jr. and Mary Rose Scovish:
+1.FamilyDolores Ann Mather
Born 15 January 1936 in New York, New York
Married to Richard Evan Battle, Sr.
Died 5 January 2011 in New London, New London County, Connecticut


  1. U.S. Federal Census, 1940, Connecticut, New London County, New London, Enumeration District 6-52, Sheet No. 7A, family of James Mather (32, New London, Connecticut, truck driver, coal co.); wife Mary Mather (28, New Jersey); daughter Dolores Mather (4, New York); brother Donald Mather (26, New London, Connecticut, truck driver, coal co.).
  2. Obituary, The Day, New London, Connecticut, 25 December 1989, James Henry Mather, Jr., died: 23 December 1989 in New London, Connecticut. The article provides vital and biographical details and the names of his parents, daughter, and place of burial.
  3. Obituary, The Day, New London, Connecticut, 15 October 1989, Mary Rose Scovish Mather, died: 14 October 1989 in New London, Connecticut. The article provides vital and biographical details (the birth date of 16 September 1911 differs from other records), and the names of her parents (her mother’s maiden name is listed as Prokop), husband, daughter, brother, sister, and place of burial.