Gazlay Family History

FamilyCarrie Prestwood-Taylor


FatherBruce T. Taylor (22 January 1957 - )
MotherBeverly Prestwood (14 March 1957 - )

Personal Information

Record Created: 8 August 2013; Last Edited: 8 August 2013 
Person ID5827
NameCarrie Prestwood-Taylor
Born 26 June 19841, 2


  1. Obituary, Traverse City Daily Record, Traverse City, Michigan (website:; 27 September 2005, Dr. Kenneth C. Taylor; died: 26 September 2005 in Traverse City. The article provides a lengthy biography, vital details, and the names of his parents, siblings, wife, children, and grandchildren.
  2. This is publicly viewable information found in various public information repositories, people finding websites, and/or social media.