Gazlay Family History

FamilyLottie R. Mohler


FatherSamuel Washington Mohler (26 December 1851 - 2 December 1934)
MotherMercy Jane Tefft (11 November 1853 - 12 May 1929)

Personal Information

Record Created: 22 March 2021; Last Edited: 22 March 2021 
Person ID10854
NameLottie R. Mohler
Born 1 February 18861
Died 5 November 18911
Buried in Forest Hill Cemetery, Napoleon, Henry County, Ohio1


  1. Find a Grave (website). Forest Hill Cemetery, Napoleon, Henry County, Ohio, Lottie R. Mohler, born: 1 February 1886; died: 5 November 1891 (from record, which includes a note indicating where her obituary was published, along with a poem left by her sister; and provides the names and links for her parents and siblings).