Gazlay Family History

FamilyFlorence Worthington


FatherCharles B. Worthington (February 1870 - )
MotherJessie E. Payne (January 1865 - )

Personal Information

Record Created: 18 February 2021; Last Edited: 18 February 2021 
Person ID10454
NameFlorence Worthington
Born May 1896 in Connecticut1


  1. U.S. Federal Census, 1900, Connecticut, New London County, New London, E.D. 467, Sheet No. 4A, Chas B. Worthington, 30, Connecticut, Feb. 1870, woodworker; wife of 8 years Jessie E. Worthington, 35, Connecticut, January 1865, 4 children, 3 living; son-in-law George E. Worthington, 14, Connecticut, July 1885; d-in-law Edna Worthington, 12, Connecticut, May 1888; daughter Florence Worthington, 4, Connecticut, May 1896; f-in-law Frank Payne, 66, New York, Aug. 1833, widow. [The relationships of the son-in-law and d-in-law to the head of family are unclear. They could be step-children instead of in-laws.]