Gazlay Family History

DescendantsDescendants of Flora Bell Stickney

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Father: Homer Stickney (September 1850 - 19 February 1922)
Mother: Mary Ella Gazlay (March 1852 - 6 August 1923)
Key: afChild shown with birth mother and adoptive father
  amChild shown with birth father and adoptive mother
  apChild shown with adoptive parents
xxxxBirth dates are not shown
 for children under age 18
F. Stickney
6 spouses/partners
6 descendants
Flora B. Stickney
(Aug 1875 - )
James A. McClain
(Apr 1876 - before 1920)
Miles McClain
(ca. 1901 - )
Julia E. McClain
(11 Apr 1902 - Dec 1990)
John Y. French
(6 Jan 1895 - Feb 1984)
Louis L. French
(Mar 1926 - )
L. M. Easton
(ca. 1927 - )
Lawton E. French
(Oct 1927 - )
Josephine A. Harrison
(ca. 1928 - )
Lawrence E. McClain
(10 Sep 1905 - 10 Mar 1996)
Loah V. Burroughs
(28 Feb 1913 - 10 Jan 2000)
Florence B. McClain
(ca. 1911 - )
J. T. Lane
(ca. 1871 - )