Gazlay Family History

Family HistoryFamily History - John Holbrook

Key:1.“+” before a child’s name indicates the child has their own entry in the next generation.
 2.“born xxxx” indicates the child is under 18 years of age so the birth date is not shown.
This family history features John Holbrook and 22 of his descendants down to the seventh generation.

First Generation
1. John Holbrook,1 born 10 July 1761 in Weymouth, Norfolk County, Massachusetts (parents not determined);1 died 1838.1 John married Sarah ‘Sally’ Knowlton (born ____ in Shrewsbury, Worster County, Massachusetts, parents not determined1).

+2i. Rev. John Calvin Holbrook, born 7 January 1808 in Brattleboro, Windham County, Vermont; died 1 August 1900 in Stockton, San Joaquin County, California. Married (1) Cynthia S. Tuttle Married (2) Ann Louisa Clark.

  1. Genforum (website:; Posts by Adine Wakefield, 27 January 2001 and 25 June 2004. Posts provide vital and biographical details of Reverend John C. Holbrook 1808-1900, his wives, parents, grandparents, and other relatives.
Second Generation
2. Rev. John Calvin Holbrook2 (John1), born 7 January 1808 in Brattleboro, Windham County, Vermont;1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 died 1 August 1900 in Stockton, San Joaquin County, California.1, 8 John married, first, 12 January 1829, Cynthia S. Tuttle8, 9 (born ca. 1807, parents not determined;8 Cynthia died 14 January 1842 in Davenport, Scott County, Iowa8). John married, second, 18 October 1842 in Platteville, Grant County, Wisconsin, Ann Louisa Clark1, 3, 10 (born 9 December 1822 in Farmington, Hartford County, Connecticut, the daughter of Abraham Clark and Millicent Washburn;2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 Ann died 20 November 1896 in Stockton, San Joaquin County, California8, 10). John is buried in Stockton Rural Cemetery, Stockton, San Joaquin County, California.1 Ann is buried in Stockton Rural Cemetery, Stockton, San Joaquin County, California.10

The Annals of Brattleboro provides an interesting biographical sketch of the Reverend John Calvin Holbrook:8

Reverend John Calvin Holbrook, born in this town [Brattleboro], was two years a student at Hopkins Academy in Hadley, Massachusetts (1818-1820), under Reverend Dan Huntington, father of Bishop Huntington of central New York; one year under the tuition of Reverend E. H. Newton and two years a cadet in Captain Partridge’s Military Academy, Norwich, Vermont, at the most prosperous period of that institution, 1821-1824, graduating in 1825. He took an active interest in military matters; and served as aid-de-camp to the general in command of Vermont Militia, Brattleboro district, 1828-1834.

He was a clerk in the store of Messrs. Holbrook & Fessenden, 1824-1828.

He became a member of the Congregational Church under the ministration of Reverend Jonathan McGee. After a few years he succeeded his father in the book publishing and paper making business, and became a member of the firm of Richardson, Lord & Holbrook in Boston, and removed to that city but returned to carry on the work in Brattleboro. The Brattleboro Typographic Company was incorporated in 1838 with Reverend John C. Holbrook president, but his want of business acumen involved the fortune of this father, who signed notes for the son until they both failed. From about this time his action seemed wholly under the control of a high ideal. Business was mainly desirable that he might have the ability to forward his religious and beneficent plans. While prosperity attended him, he assisted several young men in fitting for the ministry.

In the days of his youth his mind was much exercised in regard to the great West, for he believed the time not distant when she would control in our national councils. Therefore, not only the welfare of the Union, but of the world, demanded that the ideas of religious and political freedom, inculcated by the fathers of New England, be early implanted in the growing communities of the West. Before 1840 he removed to Davenport, Iowa. While there he became pastor of the church in the city of Dubuque, and in 1842 was ordained. Here he labored eleven years and was instrumental in building up one of th strongest churches in the state. In 1853 he removed to Chicago to establish and edit The Congregational Herald and to establish the New England Congregational Church, now one of the leading churches of the city and state. After three years of labor he was recalled to the pastorate of his former church in Dubuque, where he labored eleven years longer.

Being solicited to undertake the raising of an endowment fund for Iowa College, he removed to Boston, and, in a little more than a year, collected upwards of $40,000 for that purpose. While engaged in this work he was called to become pastor of the old Congregational Church in Homer, New York. During his ministration of six years in Homer, 1864-1870, he was induced by the American Missionary Association of New York City to visit Great Britain and address meetings held for raising funds for the education of the lately liberated slaves of this country. He collected and sent home $30,000 for this object. He also visited the principal parts of Great Britain and the continent, corresponding with The Boston Recorder, and occasionally The Congregationalist and New York Independent, as well as The Dubuque Daily Times.

From Homer he was called to the pastorate of the Congregational Church in Stockton, California, in 1870, and after two years there was chosen by the General Association of New York State, in 1872, secretary of the newly formed Home Missionary Society and removed to Syracuse, where he subsequently resided in the discharge of the duties of this office. He was pastor of West Street Church in Portland, Maine, 1882-1883.

Mr. Holbrook was married in 1829 to Miss Cynthia S. Tuttle of Windsor, Vermont, by whom he had four children, all of whom died young; she died in Davenport, Iowa, January 14, 1842, aged thirty-five. He married, second, Miss Ann L. Clark of Platteville, Wisconsin; she died at San Francisco November 20, 1896. They had no children, but adopted and brought up as their own, two sisters, both of whom married and settled in Stockton and Dubuque.

While living in Brattleboro Mr. Holbrook was chosen deacon at the same time his father was in that office in the same church (an unusual circumstance) and was superintendent of the Sunday school. In Boston he was a member of Doctor Lyman Beecher’s church, and for a time the clerk of it.

While in the West he aided in founding Iowa College, 1863-1864, and was one of its trustees. In Chicago he also cooperated in originating and founding the Chicago Theological Seminary and was one of its directors, and for a time vice-president of the board. In 1863 the honorary degree of D.D. was conferred upon him by Williams College, of which Doctor Mark Hopkins was president. After 1856 he was a corporate member of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. He was one of the originators and members of the historic Albany Convention of Congregationalists and was several times delegate to the National Council of that denomination.

In Brattleboro he manifested much interest in all public improvements, and was active in the projected railroad from Brattleboro to Troy. He was also appointed, by the governor of Vermont, commissioner to superintend the expenditure of $3000, granted by the Legislature to procure a preliminary survey of a route for a railroad from the south line of the state, north on the west bank of the Connecticut, which was accomplished by Professor Twining of New Haven, Connecticut, and which prepared the way for the present Connecticut and Valley Railroads.

He was one of the four original trustees of the Vermont Asylum for the Insane, under the will of the founder, Mrs. Marsh.

He died August 1, 1900, in Stockton, California.

He published several historical works and sermons, among them, “Prairie-Breaking, or Sketches in the Experience of a Western Pastor.” “The Recollections of a Nonogenarian” (1898) was an autobiography of his life.

 3i. John Beecher Holbrook, born ca. 1831;11 died 18 March 1850 in Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa.11
 4ii. Edward Fessenden Holbrook, born ca. 1834;12 died 23 November 1841 in Davenport, Scott County, Iowa.12
+5i. Martha Washington ‘Mattie’ Masterton, born 3 July 1853 in New Jersey; died 15 July 1931 in Stockton, San Joaquin County, California. Married Edwin Banks Noble.
+6ii. Ella Isabella Masterton, born 28 October 1854 in Communipaw, Hudson County, New Jersey; died 8 November 1889 in Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Married William S. Amsden.

  1. Find a Grave (website). Stockton Rural Cemetery, Stockton, San Joaquin County, California, Rev. John Calvin Holbrook, born: 7 January 1808 in Brattleboro, Windham County, Vermont; died: 1900, Stockton, San Joaquin County, California [from record, which provides brief biographical details, the names of his parents, his two marriages, to Cynthia Tuttle and Ann Louisa Clark, and his two adopted daughters along with their dates of birth; his grave marker shows the same birth and death years and states].
  2. U.S. Federal Census, 1850, Iowa, Dubuque County, Dist. No. 7, Page No. 118, family of John C. Holbrook (42, Vermont, Congregational Minister); Ann L. Holbrook (27, Connecticut).
  3. U.S. Federal Census, 1860, Iowa, Dubuque County, Dubuque, Page No. 116, family of John C. Holbrook (52, Cong. clergyman); Ann S. Holbrook (37, Conn.); Martha W. Holbrook (8, New York); Ella J. Holbrook (6, New York); Mary Ryan (20, Ireland, servant); Carnie Muller (24, Switzerland, servant).
  4. U.S. Federal Census, 1870, New York, Cortland County, Homer, Page No. 92, family of J. C. Holdbrook [sic] (60, New Hampshire, clergyman); Anna L. Holdbrook (50, Conn.); Martha W. Holdbrook (17, New York); Ella Holdbrook (15, New York).
  5. New York State Census, 1875, Onandaga County, Syracuse, Second District, 6th Ward, Page 27, family of John C. Holbrook (67, Vt., clergyman P.); wife Ann L. Holbrook (52, Conn.); daughter Ella I. Holbrook (20, New York).
  6. U.S. Federal Census, 1880, New York, Onondaga County, Syracuse, Enumeration District 216, Page No. 16D, family of John C. Holbrook (72, Vermont, clergyman); wife Ann S. Holbrook (57, Conn.).
  7. U.S. Federal Census, 1900, California, San Joaquin County, Enumeration District 111, Sheet No. 7A, family of Edwin B. Noble (53, Wisconsin, Sep 1846, hat maker); wife of 28 years Martha W. Noble (46, New Jersey, July 1853, 2 children, 2 living); daughter Anna Noble (21, California, Oct 1878); s in law Edward H. Wakefield (25, California, Mch 1875, farmer); wife of 2 years Ella N. Wakefield (27, California, Dec 1872, 1 child, 1 living); g son Noble H. Wakefield (20, California, Sep 1879 [sic, actually born in 1899]), f in law John C. Holbrook (92, Vermont, Jan 1818, widow, minister); servant Katie Carey (37, Ireland, Mch 1863, servant).
  8. Annals of Brattleboro 1681-1895, Compiled and Edited by Mary R. Cabot. Brattleboro, Vermont. Press of E. L. Hildreth & Co. 1921. Available at Google Books. Volume 1, pages 495-498, biographical sketch of Rev. John Calvin Holbrook.
  9. Genforum (website:; Posts by Adine Wakefield, 27 January 2001 and 25 June 2004. Posts provide vital and biographical details of Reverend John C. Holbrook 1808-1900, his wives, parents, grandparents, and other relatives.
  10. Find a Grave (website). Stockton Rural Cemetery, Stockton, San Joaquin County, California, Ann Louisa Clark Holbrook, born: 9 December 1822 in Farmington, Hartford County, Connecticut; died: 20 November 1896 in Stockton, San Joaquin County, California [from record, which provides brief biographical details, the names of her parents, and marriage to John Calvin Holbrook; her gravestone provides the same birth and death years and states].
  11. Illinois Gen Web (website); 37 Marcy 1850: Died at Dubuque, Ia. on March 18th, John Beecher Holbrook, son of Rev. John C. Holbrook, age 19 years.
  12. Scott County Iowa Genealogy (; Davenport Gazette, Davenport, Scott County, Iowa; 25 November 1841: Died. In this place on Tuesday last, the 23d inst., Edward Fessenden Holbrook,youngest child of John C. Holbrook, aged 7 years.
Third Generation
5. Martha Washington ‘Mattie’ Masterton3 (John,2 John1), born 3 July 1853 in New Jersey;1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 died 15 July 1931 in Stockton, San Joaquin County, California.1, 11 Mattie married, 16 April 1872 in San Joaquin County, California, Edwin Banks Noble15 (born 1 September 1846 in Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, the son of Rev. Morgan Lewis Noble and Emily Banks;3, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14 Edwin died 6 November 1914 in Stockton, San Joaquin County, California12, 13, 14). Mattie and Edwin are buried in Stockton Rural Cemetery, Stockton, San Joaquin County, California.12, 1 Mattie was adopted by Rev. John Calvin Holbrook and Ann Louisa Clark. Martha was previously adopted by her mother’s second husband, David Montross Gazlay.

+7i. Ella Gertrude Noble, born 23 December 1872 in California; died 18 August 1929. Married Edward Harlan Wakefield.
+8ii. Anna Holbrook Noble, born 14 October 1878 in California; died 7 December 1951 in San Francisco County, California. Married William Otis Pray.

6. Ella Isabella Masterton3 (John,2 John1), born 28 October 1854 in Communipaw, Hudson County, New Jersey;2, 4, 5, 16, 17, 18 died 8 November 1889 in Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota.16, 19 Ella married, 10 August 1875 in Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, William S. Amsden26 (born 11 April 1851 in Illinois, the son of Noah C. Amsden and Sarah Hulbert;18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 William died 13 January 1906 in Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota20, 21). Ella and William are buried in Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota.16, 20, 21 Ella was adopted by Rev. John Calvin Holbrook and Ann Louisa Clark. Ella was previously adopted by her mother’s second husband, David Montross Gazlay.

+9i. Mervyn Holbrook Amsden, born 18 August 1875 in Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa; died 4 November 1945 in Los Angeles County, California. Married (1) Cora L. Sims Married (2) Effa Blanch Hone.
 10ii. Charles M. Amsden, Jr., born ca. 1879 in Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa;18, 23, 24, 27, 28 died 16 October 1898 in Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota.27, 28 Charles is buried in Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota.27

  1. Find a Grave (website). Stockton Rural Cemetery, Stockton, San Joaquin County, California, Martha W. Noble: Martha W. Noble / 1853 1931 [from grave marker].
  2. Find a Grave (website). Stockton Rural Cemetery, Stockton, San Joaquin County, California, Rev. John Calvin Holbrook, born: 7 January 1808 in Brattleboro, Windham County, Vermont; died: 1900, Stockton, San Joaquin County, California [from record, which provides brief biographical details, the names of his parents, his two marriages, to Cynthia Tuttle and Ann Louisa Clark, and his two adopted daughters along with their dates of birth; his grave marker shows the same birth and death years and states].
  3. California, County Marriages, 1850-1952; County of San Joaquin, William Otis Pray, age 28, born in California; mining engineer; father: Wm. G. Pray, born in Vermont; mother: Virginia Syme, born in California; and Anna Holbrook Noble, age 27 years, born in California; father: Edwin Banks Noble, born in Wisconsin; mother: Mattie Holbrook, born in New Jersey; married on 5 July 1906 in Stockton, California.
  4. U.S. Federal Census, 1860, Iowa, Dubuque County, Dubuque, Page No. 116, family of John C. Holbrook (52, Cong. clergyman); Ann S. Holbrook (37, Conn.); Martha W. Holbrook (8, New York); Ella J. Holbrook (6, New York); Mary Ryan (20, Ireland, servant); Carnie Muller (24, Switzerland, servant).
  5. U.S. Federal Census, 1870, New York, Cortland County, Homer, Page No. 92, family of J. C. Holdbrook [sic] (60, New Hampshire, clergyman); Anna L. Holdbrook (50, Conn.); Martha W. Holdbrook (17, New York); Ella Holdbrook (15, New York).
  6. U.S. Federal Census, 1880, California, San Joaquin County, Stockton, Enumeration District 96, Page No. 1A, family of E. B. Noble (34, Iowa, hatter); wife W. Noble (27, NY); daughter E. G. Noble (7, Cal.); daughter A. H. Noble (2, Cal.); Anna Cairn (18, Cal., servant).
  7. U.S. Federal Census, 1900, California, San Joaquin County, Enumeration District 111, Sheet No. 7A, family of Edwin B. Noble (53, Wisconsin, Sep 1846, hat maker); wife of 28 years Martha W. Noble (46, New Jersey, July 1853, 2 children, 2 living); daughter Anna Noble (21, California, Oct 1878); s in law Edward H. Wakefield (25, California, Mch 1875, farmer); wife of 2 years Ella N. Wakefield (27, California, Dec 1872, 1 child, 1 living); g son Noble H. Wakefield (20, California, Sep 1879 [sic, actually born in 1899]), f in law John C. Holbrook (92, Vermont, Jan 1818, widow, minister); servant Katie Carey (37, Ireland, Mch 1863, servant).
  8. U.S. Federal Census, 1910, California, San Joaquin County, Stockton, Enumeration District 137, Sheet No. 6A, family of Edwin B. Noble (63, Wisconsin, partner, dry goods store); wife of 38 years Martha W. Noble (56, New Jersey, 2 children, 2 living); servant Grace Nelson (20, Illinois, housemaid, private family).
  9. U.S. Federal Census, 1920, California, San Joaquin County, Stockton, Enumeration District 161, Sheet No. 9B, family of Martha W. Noble (66, New Jersey, widow); daughter Anna H. Pray (41, California, divorced); son Holbrook N. Pray (10, California).
  10. U.S. Federal Census, 1930, California, San Joaquin, Stockton City, Enumeration District 39-38, Sheet No. 5A, family of Martha W. Noble (76, New Jersey, widow); daughter Anna H. Pray (51, California); grandson Holbrook N. Pray (21, California, asst. manager, fur goods).
  11. California, County Birth and Death Records, 1800-1994, San Joaquin Death Registers, 1905-1967, Martha Washington Noble, died: 15 July 1931; place code: STKN [Stockton].
  12. Find a Grave (website). Stockton Rural Cemetery, Stockton, San Joaquin County, California, Edwin B. Noble: Edwin B. Noble / 1846 1914 [from grave marker].
  13. Email between Jim Bramble and Lee Gazlay, November 2017, various dates.
  14. History and genealogy of the family of Thomas Noble, of Westfied, Massachusetts : with genealogical notes of other families by the name of Noble by Boltwood, Lucius Manlius, 1825-1905. 1878, Hartford, Conn.: Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company.
  15. California, County Marriages, 1850-1952; County of San Joaquin, E. B. Noble, and M. W. Holbrook, married on 16 April 1872 in San Joaquin [County], California.
  16. Find a Grave (website). Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, Ella Isabel Amsden; born: 1854; died: 8 November 1889 [from record].
  17. New York State Census, 1875, Onandaga County, Syracuse, Second District, 6th Ward, Page 27, family of John C. Holbrook (67, Vt., clergyman P.); wife Ann L. Holbrook (52, Conn.); daughter Ella I. Holbrook (20, New York).
  18. Minnesota Territory and State Census, 1885, Stearns County, Village of Sauk Center, Page No. 1, family of Wm. S. Amsden (34, Illinois [sic]; Alas [sic] H. Amsden (32, Norway [sic]); Marvin H. Amsden (8, Iowa); Charles M. Amsden (6, Iowa); Anna Larson (21, Norway); Hans Larsen (19, Norway).
  19. Deaths, The Homer Republican, Homer, New York, 21 November 1889: AMEDEN [sic, AMSDEN] - In Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 8, 1889, of typhoid fever, Mrs. Ella I. Ameden, youngest daughter of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Holbrook, formerly of this village, aged 85 years.
  20. Find a Grave (website). Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, William S. Amsden; born: 11 April 1851; died: 13 January 1906 [from record].
  21. Minnesota Death Records, 1866-1916, Amsden, William S.; died: 13 January 1906 in Minneapolis, Hennepin [County], Minnesota; age 54; born: 11 April 1851 in Illinois; widowed; occupation: elevator and crain business; cemetery: Lakewood Cem.; father: Noah C. Amsden, born in New York; mother: Sarah Hulbert, born in New York.
  22. U.S. Federal Census, 1870, Iowa, Dubuque County, Dubuque, Page No. 47, family of N. C. Amsden (50, New York, produce dealer); Sarah Amsden (45, New York); Charles Amsden (21, Illinois, book keeper); Monroe Amsden (21, Illinois, clk, book store); William Amsden (19, Illinois, clk, drug store); Ella Amsden (17, Illinois); Mary Lucas (23, Bohemia, domestic servt); Kate McCanna (22, Iceland, domestic servt).
  23. U.S. Federal Census, 1880, Iowa, Dubuque County, Dubuque, Enumeration District 174, Page No. 1A, family of N. C. Amsden (54, N.Y., cmmr. mercht); wife Sarah S. Amsden (52, N.Y.); son C. M. Amsden (31, Ill., twin, cmmr. mercht); son M. R. Amsden (31, Ill., twin, cmmr. agent); son W. S. Amsden (29, Ill, druggist); mother Anna H. Amsden (80, N.Y.); daughter Ellen Amsden (24, Ill.); son [sic, probably grandson] Melvin Amsden (4, Iowa); son [sic, probably grandson] Chas. M. Amsden (1, Iowa); servant Martha Qualy (20, Ireland, servant).
  24. Minnesota Territory and State Census, 1895, Hennepin County, Minneapolis, 5th Ward, 7th Precinct, Pages 75, 76, family of W. S. Amsden (44, Illinois, elevator); C. M. Amsden (46, Illinois, elevator); M. H. Amsden (18, Iowa); C. M. Amsden Jnr. (16, Iowa); N. C. Amsden (70, New York).
  25. U.S. Federal Census, 1900, Minnesota, Hennepin County, Minneapolis, Enumeration District 63, Sheet No. 17B, family of Sm. Amsden (49, Minn., Apr. 1851, grain dealer); mother S. S. Amsden (74, Minn., Aug 1825); son Mervy H. Amsden (23, Minn., Aug. 1876, grain dealer); border Florence Buffan (36, Mass., Sept 1863, stenographer); border Chas Dahlgren (25, Minn., June 1874, carpenter). [The birth states shown here for the Amsdens are most likely incorrect compared with other records.]
  26. Boards at; Post by Adine Wakefield, 12 December 1999, indicating that her great aunt Ella I. Holbrook married William S. Amsden on 10 August 1875 in Syracuse, New York, by her father Reverend Holbrook. The newly married couple returned to Dubuque, Iowa and then later moved to Minn.
  27. Find a Grave (website). Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, Charles M. Amsden, Jr., born: 1879; died: 16 October 1898 [from record].
  28. California Death Index 1940-1997; Ancestry (website), and Familysearch (website). Amsden, Mervyn Holbrook, died: 4 November 1945 in Los Angeles [County], California; born: 15 August 1875 in Iowa; father: Amsden; mother: Holbrook.
Fourth Generation
7. Ella Gertrude Noble4 (Martha ‘Mattie’,3 John,2 John1), born 23 December 1872 in California;1, 2, 3, 4, 5 died 18 August 1929.1 Ella married, 18 October 1898 in San Joaquin County, California, Edward Harlan Wakefield4, 9 (born 17 March 1874 in California, the son of Lorenzo D. Wakefield and Susan M. Stickney;3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Edward died 14 December 1958 in Fresno County, California6). Ella is buried in Stockton Rural Cemetery, Stockton, San Joaquin County, California.1

+11i. Noble Harlan Wakefield, born 25 September 1899 in Stockton, San Joaquin County, California; died 4 February 1977 in San Francisco County, California. Married Margaret Melville.
 12ii. Bernita Martha Wakefield, born 1 September 1901 in Stockton, San Joaquin County, California.4, 5, 10
+13iii. Lorenzo Dow Wakefield, born 4 September 1906 in Stockton, San Joaquin County, California; died 26 August 1993 in San Joaquin County, California. Married Elinor Bosworth.

8. Anna Holbrook Noble4 (Martha ‘Mattie’,3 John,2 John1), born 14 October 1878 in California;2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 died 7 December 1951 in San Francisco County, California.11, 13 Anna married, 5 July 1906 in Stockton, San Joaquin County, California, William Otis Pray12 (born 3 December 1877 in California, the son of William G. Pray and Virginia Syme;12, 14, 17, 18, 19 William died December 1968 in Colorado18). Their marriage ended in divorce in before 1920.15 Anna is buried in Stockton Rural Cemetery, Stockton, San Joaquin County, California.11

 14i. Holbrook N. Pray, born 21 March 1909 in California;14, 15, 16, 20, 21 died 5 August 1976 in Alameda County, California.20, 21 Holbrook is buried in Stockton Rural Cemetery, Stockton, San Joaquin County, California.20

9. Mervyn Holbrook Amsden4 (Ella,3 John,2 John1), born 18 August 1875 in Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa;22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 died 4 November 1945 in Los Angeles County, California.24, 33 Mervyn married, first, 8 January 1896 in Alexandria, Douglas County, Minnesota, Cora L. Sims35 (born ca. January 1875 in Minnesota, parents not determined34). Their marriage ended in divorce in 1899.35 Mervyn married, second, ca. 1903, Effa Blanch Hone29 (born 2 October 1877 in River Falls, Pierce County, Wisconsin, parents not determined;29, 30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38 Effa died 7 June 1942 in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles County, California36, 37, 38). Mervyn is buried in Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota.33 Effa is buried in Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota.36

+15i. Helen Elizabeth Amsden, born ca. April 1897 in Alexandria, Douglas County, Minnesota. Married Frank John Lawler.

  1. Find a Grave (website). Stockton Rural Cemetery, Stockton, San Joaquin County, California, Ella N. Wakfield: Ella N. Wakefield / Dec. 23, 1872 / Aug. 18, 1929 [from grave marker].
  2. U.S. Federal Census, 1880, California, San Joaquin County, Stockton, Enumeration District 96, Page No. 1A, family of E. B. Noble (34, Iowa, hatter); wife W. Noble (27, NY); daughter E. G. Noble (7, Cal.); daughter A. H. Noble (2, Cal.); Anna Cairn (18, Cal., servant).
  3. U.S. Federal Census, 1900, California, San Joaquin County, Enumeration District 111, Sheet No. 7A, family of Edwin B. Noble (53, Wisconsin, Sep 1846, hat maker); wife of 28 years Martha W. Noble (46, New Jersey, July 1853, 2 children, 2 living); daughter Anna Noble (21, California, Oct 1878); s in law Edward H. Wakefield (25, California, Mch 1875, farmer); wife of 2 years Ella N. Wakefield (27, California, Dec 1872, 1 child, 1 living); g son Noble H. Wakefield (20, California, Sep 1879 [sic, actually born in 1899]), f in law John C. Holbrook (92, Vermont, Jan 1818, widow, minister); servant Katie Carey (37, Ireland, Mch 1863, servant).
  4. U.S. Federal Census, 1910, California, San Joaquin County, O’Neal Township, Enumeration District 123, Sheet No. 61A, family of Edward H. Wakefield (37, California, farmer); wife of 11 years Ella G. Wakefield (37, California, 3 children, 3 living); son Noble H. Wakefield (10, California); daughter Bernita M. Wakefield (8, California); son Lorenzo D. Wakefield (3, California).
  5. U.S. Federal Census, 1920, California, San Joaquin County, O’Neal Township, Enumeration District 151, Sheet No. 13B, family of Edward H. Wakefield (45, California, farmer, vineyard); wife Ella N. Wakefield (47, California); daughter Bernita Wakefield (18, California); son Lorenzo D. Wakefield (13, California).
  6. California Death Index 1940-1997; Ancestry (website), and Familysearch (website). Wakefield, Edward Harlan, died: 14 December 1958 in Fresno [County], California; born: 17 March 1874 in California; father: Wakefield; mother: Stickney.
  7. U.S. Federal Census, 1880, California, San Joaquin County, O’Neal Township, Enumeration District 101, Page No. 45A, family of Lorenzo Wakefield (46, Me. [Maine], farmer); wife Susan M. Wakefield (32, Me.); son Edward H. Wakefield (6, Cal.); son Walter S. Wakefield (5, Cal.); son Clark Wakefield (1, Cal.); niece Jennie Tarrington (11, Me.); Anna L. Carrol (18, Ontario, housekeeper); hired man William S. Allan [?] (21, Me., farm laborer); cousin Eugin Wakefield (26, Me., farm laborer); hired man Jacob Brojom [?] (28, Denmark, farm laborer); hired man John W. Johnson (27, Iowa, farm laborer).
  8. U.S. Federal Census, 1900, California, San Joaquin County, Wrightman Precinct, Enumeration District 107, Sheet No. 20A, 20B, family of Lorenzo Wakefield (65, Maine, June 1834, farmer, married 27 years); son Edward Wakefield (25, California, Mar 1875, farmer); Walter Wakefield (24, California, May 1876, farmer); Mary E. Wright (51, Indiana, Dec 1848, widow, housekeeper, 11 children, 4 living).
  9. California, County Marriages, 1850-1952; County of San Joaquin, Edward H. Wakefield, age 24; and Ella G. Noble, age 25; married on 18 October 1898 in San Joaquin County, California.
  10. California, County Birth and Death Records, 1800-1994, Birth Records, 1850-1929, Certificate of Birth, Registered Number 237, Bernita Martha Wakefield, born: 1 September 1901 in Stockton, San Joaquin County, California; father: Edward H. Wakefield, born in Stockton, California, age 28 years; mother: Ella Gertrude Noble, born in Stockton, California, age 29 years, one previous child, two now living.
  11. Find a Grave (website). Stockton Rural Cemetery, Stockton, San Joaquin County, California, Ann H. Pray: Ann H. Pray / 1878 1951 [from grave marker].
  12. California, County Marriages, 1850-1952; County of San Joaquin, William Otis Pray, age 28, born in California; mining engineer; father: Wm. G. Pray, born in Vermont; mother: Virginia Syme, born in California; and Anna Holbrook Noble, age 27 years, born in California; father: Edwin Banks Noble, born in Wisconsin; mother: Mattie Holbrook, born in New Jersey; married on 5 July 1906 in Stockton, California.
  13. California Death Index 1940-1997; Ancestry (website), and Familysearch (website). Pray, Anne Holbrook, died 7 December 1951 in San Francisco [County]; born: 14 October 1878 in California; father: Noble; mother: Holbrook.
  14. U.S. Federal Census, 1910, Nevada, Elko County, Midas, Enumeration District 17, Sheet No. 2A, William O. Pray (32, California, engineer, mining); wife of 3 years Anne H. Pray (31, California, 1 child, 1 living); son Holbrook N. Pray (1 1/12, California).
  15. U.S. Federal Census, 1920, California, San Joaquin County, Stockton, Enumeration District 161, Sheet No. 9B, family of Martha W. Noble (66, New Jersey, widow); daughter Anna H. Pray (41, California, divorced); son Holbrook N. Pray (10, California).
  16. U.S. Federal Census, 1930, California, San Joaquin, Stockton City, Enumeration District 39-38, Sheet No. 5A, family of Martha W. Noble (76, New Jersey, widow); daughter Anna H. Pray (51, California); grandson Holbrook N. Pray (21, California, asst. manager, fur goods).
  17. Draft Registration Card, World War I, William Otis Pray, Serial No. 5990; Born: 3 December 1877; occupation: chemist, Calaveras Copper Co.; nearest relative: Anna Pray (wife); totally deaf.
  18. Social Security Death Index (SSDI), Rootsweb (website). Pray, William, no. 523-05-1446; died: December 1968, Colorado; born: 3 December 1877; last place of residence: Mesa, Mesa [County], Colorado.
  19. U.S. Federal Census, 1940, Colorado, Mesa County, De Beque, Enumeration District 39-8, Sheet No. 3B, William Otis Pray (62, California, research engineer, petroleum refining).
  20. Find a Grave (website). Stockton Rural Cemetery, Stockton, San Joaquin County, California, Holbrook Noble Pray: Holbrook Noble Pray / Y2 US Navy / World War II / Mar 21 1909 Aug 5 1976 [from grave marker].
  21. California Death Index 1940-1997; Ancestry (website), and Familysearch (website). Pray, Holbrook N., died: 5 August 1976 in Alameda [County], California; born: 21 March 1909 in California.
  22. Draft Registration Card, World War I, Mervyn Holbrook Amsden, Serial Number 3786; born: 18 August 1876; underwear manufacturer; nearest relative: Effa Blanche Amsden.
  23. California, County Marriages, 1850-1952; County of Los Angeles, Marriage License and Certificate, Registrar No. 18687, Frank John Lawler; age 56, born in Minneapolis, Minn.; physician; father: Lawrence H. Lawler, born in Virginia; mother: Margaret Kelly, born in Wisconsin; and Helen Elizabeth Amsden; age 46, born in Alexandria, Minn.; father: Merbyn Holbrook Amsden, born in Dubuque, Iowa; mother: Cora Sims, born in Minnesota; married on 12 June 1946 in Beverly Hills.
  24. California Death Index 1940-1997; Ancestry (website), and Familysearch (website). Amsden, Mervyn Holbrook, died: 4 November 1945 in Los Angeles [County], California; born: 15 August 1875 in Iowa; father: Amsden; mother: Holbrook.
  25. U.S. Federal Census, 1880, Iowa, Dubuque County, Dubuque, Enumeration District 174, Page No. 1A, family of N. C. Amsden (54, N.Y., cmmr. mercht); wife Sarah S. Amsden (52, N.Y.); son C. M. Amsden (31, Ill., twin, cmmr. mercht); son M. R. Amsden (31, Ill., twin, cmmr. agent); son W. S. Amsden (29, Ill, druggist); mother Anna H. Amsden (80, N.Y.); daughter Ellen Amsden (24, Ill.); son [sic, probably grandson] Melvin Amsden (4, Iowa); son [sic, probably grandson] Chas. M. Amsden (1, Iowa); servant Martha Qualy (20, Ireland, servant).
  26. Minnesota Territory and State Census, 1885, Stearns County, Village of Sauk Center, Page No. 1, family of Wm. S. Amsden (34, Illinois [sic]; Alas [sic] H. Amsden (32, Norway [sic]); Marvin H. Amsden (8, Iowa); Charles M. Amsden (6, Iowa); Anna Larson (21, Norway); Hans Larsen (19, Norway).
  27. Minnesota Territory and State Census, 1895, Hennepin County, Minneapolis, 5th Ward, 7th Precinct, Pages 75, 76, family of W. S. Amsden (44, Illinois, elevator); C. M. Amsden (46, Illinois, elevator); M. H. Amsden (18, Iowa); C. M. Amsden Jnr. (16, Iowa); N. C. Amsden (70, New York).
  28. U.S. Federal Census, 1900, Minnesota, Hennepin County, Minneapolis, Enumeration District 63, Sheet No. 17B, family of Sm. Amsden (49, Minn., Apr. 1851, grain dealer); mother S. S. Amsden (74, Minn., Aug 1825); son Mervy H. Amsden (23, Minn., Aug. 1876, grain dealer); border Florence Buffan (36, Mass., Sept 1863, stenographer); border Chas Dahlgren (25, Minn., June 1874, carpenter). [The birth states shown here for the Amsdens are most likely incorrect compared with other records.]
  29. U.S. Federal Census, 1910, Minnesota, Hennepin County, Minneapolis, Enumeration District 80, Sheet No. 12A, family of Marvin Amsden (33, Iowa, 2nd marriage, traveling auditor, grain elevators); wife of 7 years Effa Amsden (32, Wisconsin). daughter Helen Amsden (12, Minnesota).
  30. U.S. Federal Census, 1920, Minnesota, Hennepin County, Minneapolis City, Enumeration District 82, Sheet No. 11B, family of Mervyn H. Amsden (43, Iowa, proprietor, lingerie shop); wife Effa B. Amsden (43, N. Dakota, proprietor, lingerie shop); daughter Helen E. Amsden (22, Minnesota.
  31. U.S. Federal Census, 1930, Minnesota, Hennepin County, Minneapolis City, Enumeration District 27-163, Sheet No. 19B, family of Mervyn H. Amsden (53, Iowa, first married age 25, late proprietor, lingerie factory); wife Effa Blanch Amsden (51, Wisconsin, first married age 23); daughter Helen Amsden (30, Minnesota); servant Cecelia Gayke (30, Minnesota, servant, private family).
  32. U.S. Federal Census, 1940, California, Los Angeles County, Beverly Hills City, Enumeration District 19-40, Sheet No. 16A, family of Mervyn Amsden (63, Iowa, retired); wife Effa Amsden (62, Wisconsin); daughter Helen Amsden (38, Minnesota); cheufer Earl Jamry (34, Oklahoma, cheuffer, private family); maid Margaret Jamry (56, Holland, maid, private family).
  33. Find a Grave (website). Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, Mervyn Halbrook [sic] Amsden, born: 1875; died: 4 November 1945 [from record].
  34. U.S. Federal Census, 1900, Minnesota, Hennepin County, Minneapolis, Enumeration District 58, Sheet No. 7A, Cora L. Amsden (25, Minneapolis, Jan 1875, divorced); H. Edith Amsden (3, Minnesota, Apr 1897). [Both are roomers among 5 other roomers in the residence of F. C. Williams and wife Addie.]
  35. Divorce, The Lake Review, Osakis, Douglas County, Minnesota, 18 May 1899, article announcing that Mrs. Cora L. Amsden is bringing an action for divorce from her husband, Merwyn [sic] H. Amsden. The article indicates they were married on 8 January 1896 at Alexandria [in Douglas County, Minnesota], and that they have a two-year-old child, Helen. The article indicates the maiden name of Mrs. Amsden was Cora L. Sims. Transcription by Joel Watne, posted 29 April 2006 at Ancestry Boards.
  36. Find a Grave (website). Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, Effa Blanch Amsden; born: 1878; died: 7 June 1942 [from record].
  37. California Death Index 1940-1997; Ancestry (website), and Familysearch (website). Amsden, Effa Blanch; died: 7 June 1942 in Los Angeles [County], California; born: 2 October 1877 in Wisconsin; father: Hone; mother: Schofield.
  38. Obituary, Los Angeles Times, California, 9 June 1942, Mrs. Effa Blanche Amsden, died 7 June 1942 at her home in Beverly Hills. The article indicates she was born in River Falls, Wisconsin, and she leaves her husband Mervyn H. Amsden.
Fifth Generation
11. Noble Harlan Wakefield5 (Ella,4 Martha ‘Mattie’,3 John,2 John1), born 25 September 1899 in Stockton, San Joaquin County, California;1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 died 4 February 1977 in San Francisco County, California.2, 3 Noble married, ca. 1921, Margaret Melville7 (born 20 June 1899 in California, parents not determined;7, 8, 9 Margaret died 19 March 1968 in Reno, Washoe County, Nevada9, 10). Noble and Margaret are buried in Whispering Pines Cemetery, Beckworth, Plumas County, California.2, 9

+16i. Robert M. Wakefield, born 24 July 1922 in San Joaquin County, California. Married Betty Jane Searing.
 17ii. Virginia Ann Wakefield, born 14 September 1925 in San Joaquin County, California.7, 8, 11
 18iii. John Harlan Wakefield, born 10 January 1928 in Lodi, San Joaquin County, California;7, 12, 13 died 21 October 1931 in Stockton, San Joaquin County, California.13 John is buried in Stockton Rural Cemetery, Stockton, San Joaquin County, California.13
 19iv. Harriet Carolyn Wakefield, born 19 October 1931 in San Joaquin County, California.8, 14

13. Lorenzo Dow Wakefield5 (Ella,4 Martha ‘Mattie’,3 John,2 John1), born 4 September 1906 in Stockton, San Joaquin County, California;5, 15, 16, 17, 18 died 26 August 1993 in San Joaquin County, California.16, 17 Lorenzo married Elinor Bosworth (born 11 November 1908 in California, parents not determined;16, 19 Elinor died 2 January 1997 in San Joaquin County, California16, 19). Lorenzo and Elinor are buried in Stockton, San Joaquin County, California.16

+20i. Lorenzo Dow Wakefield, born 19 February 1944 in Plumas County, California. Married (1) Lynda C. Berry Married (2) Constance E. Marvin.
+21ii. Adine Anne Wakefield, born 25 April 1946 in San Joaquin County, California. Married Robert Lester Gnekow.

15. Helen Elizabeth Amsden5 (Mervyn,4 Ella,3 John,2 John1), born ca. April 1897 in Alexandria, Douglas County, Minnesota.20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 Helen married, 12 January 1946 in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles County, California, Frank John Lawler20 (born ca. 1890 in Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, the son of Lawrence H. Lawler and Margaret Kelly20).

  1. California, County Birth and Death Records, 1800-1994, Birth Records, 1850-1929, Certificate of Birth, Registered No. 238, Noble Harlan Wakefield, born: 25 September 1899 in Stockton, San Joaquin County, California; father: Edward H. Wakefield, born in Stockton, California, age 26 years; mother: Ella Gertrude Noble, born in Stockton, California, age 27 years, no previous children, one child now living.
  2. Find a Grave (website). Whispering Pines Cemetery, Beckworth, Plumas County, California, Noble Harlan Wakefield: Noble Harlan Wakefield / PCC US Army / 1899 1977 [from grave marker].
  3. California Death Index 1940-1997; Ancestry (website), and Familysearch (website). Wakefield, Noble H., died: 4 February 1977 in San Francisco [County], California; born: 25 September 1899 in California.
  4. U.S. Federal Census, 1900, California, San Joaquin County, Enumeration District 111, Sheet No. 7A, family of Edwin B. Noble (53, Wisconsin, Sep 1846, hat maker); wife of 28 years Martha W. Noble (46, New Jersey, July 1853, 2 children, 2 living); daughter Anna Noble (21, California, Oct 1878); s in law Edward H. Wakefield (25, California, Mch 1875, farmer); wife of 2 years Ella N. Wakefield (27, California, Dec 1872, 1 child, 1 living); g son Noble H. Wakefield (20, California, Sep 1879 [sic, actually born in 1899]), f in law John C. Holbrook (92, Vermont, Jan 1818, widow, minister); servant Katie Carey (37, Ireland, Mch 1863, servant).
  5. U.S. Federal Census, 1910, California, San Joaquin County, O’Neal Township, Enumeration District 123, Sheet No. 61A, family of Edward H. Wakefield (37, California, farmer); wife of 11 years Ella G. Wakefield (37, California, 3 children, 3 living); son Noble H. Wakefield (10, California); daughter Bernita M. Wakefield (8, California); son Lorenzo D. Wakefield (3, California).
  6. U.S. Federal Census, 1920, California, San Joaquin County, O’Neal Township, Enumeration District 151, Sheet No. 13B, family of Walter S. Wakefield (43, California, farmer, general farm); wife Elizabeth M. Wakefield (44, Canada); nephew Noble H. Wakefield (20, California, farmer, general farm).
  7. U.S. Federal Census, 1930, California, Plumas County Pertola, Enumeration District 32-2, Sheet No. 13A, family of Noble H. Wakefield (30, California, locomotive fireman, steam railroad, first married age 21); wife Margaret M. Wakefield (30, California, first married age 21); son Robert Wakefield (7, California; daughter Virginia M. Wakefield (4 7/12, California); son John H. Wakefield (2 3/12, California).
  8. U.S. Federal Census, 1940, California, San Joaquin County, Stockton City, Enumeration District 39-42, Sheet No. 63A, family of Noble H. Wakefield (40, California, locomotive fireman, railroad co.); wife Margaret M. Wakefield (40, California); son Robert M. Wakefield (17, California); daughter Virginia A. Wakefield (14, California); daughter Harriet C. Wakefield (8, California).
  9. Find a Grave (website). Whispering Pines Cemetery, Beckworth, Plumas County, California, Margaret M. Wakefield: Margaret M. Wakefield / June 20, 1899 / March 19, 1968 / Wife of Noble H. Wakefield [from grave marker].
  10. Obituary Index, California, San Joaquin, County Public Library Obituary Index, 1850-1991. Margaret M. Wakefield, died 19 March 1968 in Reno, Nevada.
  11. California Birth Index, 1905-1995, available at and, Virginia Ann Wakefield, born 14 September 1925 in San Joaquin [County], California; mother: Melville.
  12. California Birth Index, 1905-1995, available at and, John Harlan Wakefield, born 10 January 1928 in San Joaquin [County], California; mother: Melville.
  13. Find a Grave (website). Stockton Rural Cemetery, Stockton, San Joaquin County, California, John Harlan Wakefield: born: 10 January 1928 in Lodi, San Joaquin County, California; died: 21 October 1931 in Stockton, San Joaquin County, California [from record; grave marker provides the same name and dates].
  14. California Birth Index, 1905-1995, available at and, Harriet Carolyn Wakefield, born 19 October 1931 in San Joaquin [County], California; mother: Melville.
  15. California, County Birth and Death Records, 1800-1994, Birth Certificates 1906, Lorenzo Dow Wakefield, born: 4 September 1906 in Stockton, San Joaquin County, California; father: Ed H. Wakefield, born in California, age 32; mother: Ella Noble, born in California, age 33; number of child of this mother: 3; number of children, of this mother, now living: 3.
  16. Find a Grave (website). Stockton Rural Cemetery, Stockton, San Joaquin County, California, L. Dow and Elinor B. Wakefield: L. Dow Wakefield / Sept. 4, 1906 - Aug. 26, 1993 / Elinor B. Wakefield / Nov. 11, 1908 - Jan. 2, 1997 [from grave marker].
  17. California Death Index 1940-1997; Ancestry (website), and Familysearch (website). Wakefield, Lorenzo Dow, died: 26 August 1993 in San Joaquin [County], California; born: 4 September 1906 in California; mother; Noble.
  18. U.S. Federal Census, 1920, California, San Joaquin County, O’Neal Township, Enumeration District 151, Sheet No. 13B, family of Edward H. Wakefield (45, California, farmer, vineyard); wife Ella N. Wakefield (47, California); daughter Bernita Wakefield (18, California); son Lorenzo D. Wakefield (13, California).
  19. California Death Index 1940-1997; Ancestry (website), and Familysearch (website). Wakefield, Elinor B., died: 2 January 1997 in San Joaquin [County], California; born: 11 November 1908 in California; father: Bosworth; mother: Moore.
  20. California, County Marriages, 1850-1952; County of Los Angeles, Marriage License and Certificate, Registrar No. 18687, Frank John Lawler; age 56, born in Minneapolis, Minn.; physician; father: Lawrence H. Lawler, born in Virginia; mother: Margaret Kelly, born in Wisconsin; and Helen Elizabeth Amsden; age 46, born in Alexandria, Minn.; father: Merbyn Holbrook Amsden, born in Dubuque, Iowa; mother: Cora Sims, born in Minnesota; married on 12 June 1946 in Beverly Hills.
  21. U.S. Federal Census, 1900, Minnesota, Hennepin County, Minneapolis, Enumeration District 58, Sheet No. 7A, Cora L. Amsden (25, Minneapolis, Jan 1875, divorced); H. Edith Amsden (3, Minnesota, Apr 1897). [Both are roomers among 5 other roomers in the residence of F. C. Williams and wife Addie.]
  22. U.S. Federal Census, 1910, Minnesota, Hennepin County, Minneapolis, Enumeration District 80, Sheet No. 12A, family of Marvin Amsden (33, Iowa, 2nd marriage, traveling auditor, grain elevators); wife of 7 years Effa Amsden (32, Wisconsin). daughter Helen Amsden (12, Minnesota).
  23. U.S. Federal Census, 1920, Minnesota, Hennepin County, Minneapolis City, Enumeration District 82, Sheet No. 11B, family of Mervyn H. Amsden (43, Iowa, proprietor, lingerie shop); wife Effa B. Amsden (43, N. Dakota, proprietor, lingerie shop); daughter Helen E. Amsden (22, Minnesota.
  24. U.S. Federal Census, 1930, Minnesota, Hennepin County, Minneapolis City, Enumeration District 27-163, Sheet No. 19B, family of Mervyn H. Amsden (53, Iowa, first married age 25, late proprietor, lingerie factory); wife Effa Blanch Amsden (51, Wisconsin, first married age 23); daughter Helen Amsden (30, Minnesota); servant Cecelia Gayke (30, Minnesota, servant, private family).
  25. U.S. Federal Census, 1940, California, Los Angeles County, Beverly Hills City, Enumeration District 19-40, Sheet No. 16A, family of Mervyn Amsden (63, Iowa, retired); wife Effa Amsden (62, Wisconsin); daughter Helen Amsden (38, Minnesota); cheufer Earl Jamry (34, Oklahoma, cheuffer, private family); maid Margaret Jamry (56, Holland, maid, private family).
Sixth Generation
16. Robert M. Wakefield6 (Noble,5 Ella,4 Martha ‘Mattie’,3 John,2 John1), born 24 July 1922 in San Joaquin County, California.1, 2, 3 Robert married, 6 September 1944 in San Joaquin County, California, Betty Jane Searing4 (born ca. 1922, the daughter of Milton J. Searing and Lena M. Rouse4).

+22i. Robert Melville Wakefield, born 14 December 1948 in San Joaquin County, California. Married Lorraine E. Ghidossi.

20. Lorenzo Dow Wakefield6 (Lorenzo,5 Ella,4 Martha ‘Mattie’,3 John,2 John1), born 19 February 1944 in Plumas County, California.5 Lorenzo married, first, 29 August 1970 in Butte County, California, Lynda C. Berry6 (born ca. 1952, parents not determined6). Their marriage ended in divorce in August 1973 in Butte County, California.7 Lorenzo married, second, 29 September 1979 in Butte County, California, Constance E. Marvin8 (born ca. 1936, parents not determined8).

21. Adine Anne Wakefield6 (Lorenzo,5 Ella,4 Martha ‘Mattie’,3 John,2 John1), born 25 April 1946 in San Joaquin County, California.9 Adine married, 24 June 1967 in San Joaquin County, California, Robert Lester Gnekow11 (born 15 January 1942 in San Joaquin County, California, the son of Lester Edward Gnekow and Anna Eugenia White10, 11).

 23i. Edmond Robert Gnekow, born 9 June 1970 in Butte County, California.12, 13

  1. California Birth Index, 1905-1995, available at and, Robert Wakefield, born 24 July 1922 in San Joaquin [County], California; mother: Melville.
  2. U.S. Federal Census, 1930, California, Plumas County Pertola, Enumeration District 32-2, Sheet No. 13A, family of Noble H. Wakefield (30, California, locomotive fireman, steam railroad, first married age 21); wife Margaret M. Wakefield (30, California, first married age 21); son Robert Wakefield (7, California; daughter Virginia M. Wakefield (4 7/12, California); son John H. Wakefield (2 3/12, California).
  3. U.S. Federal Census, 1940, California, San Joaquin County, Stockton City, Enumeration District 39-42, Sheet No. 63A, family of Noble H. Wakefield (40, California, locomotive fireman, railroad co.); wife Margaret M. Wakefield (40, California); son Robert M. Wakefield (17, California); daughter Virginia A. Wakefield (14, California); daughter Harriet C. Wakefield (8, California).
  4. California, County Marriages, 1850-1952; County of San Joaquin, Robert M. Wakefield, age 22; father: Noble H. Wakefield; mother: Margaret Melville; and Betty Jane Searing, age 22; father: Milton J. Searing; mother: Lena M. Rouse; married on 6 September 1944 in San Joaquin County, California.
  5. California Birth Index, 1905-1995, available at and, Lorenzo Dow Wakefield, born: 19 February 1944 in Plumas [County], California; mother: Bosworth.
  6. California Marriage Index, 1960-1985, Wakefield, Lorenzo D., age 26; and Berry, Lynda C., age 18; married on 29 August 1970 in Butte [County], California.
  7. California Divorce Index 1966-1984; available at and, Wakefield, Lorenzo D., and Berry, Lynda C., August 1973 in Butte [County], California.
  8. California Marriage Index, 1960-1985, Wakefield, Lorenzo D., age 35; and Marvin, Constance E., age 43; married on 29 September 1979 in Butte [County], California.
  9. California Birth Index, 1905-1995, available at and, Adine Anne Wakefield, born: 25 April 1946 in San Joaquin [County], California; mother: Bosworth.
  10. California Birth Index, 1905-1995, available at and, Robert Lester Gnekow, born 15 January 1942 in San Joaquin [County]; mother: White.
  11. California Marriage Index, 1960-1985, Gnekow, Robert L., age 25; and Wakefield, Adine A., age 21; married on 24 June 1967 in San Joaquin [County], California.
  12. California Birth Index, 1905-1995, available at and, Edmond R. Gnekow, born: 9 June 1970 in Butte [County], California; mother: Wakefiel [sic, Wakefield].
  13. This is publicly viewable information found in various public information repositories, people finding websites, and/or social media.
Seventh Generation
22. Robert Melville Wakefield7 (Robert,6 Noble,5 Ella,4 Martha ‘Mattie’,3 John,2 John1), born 14 December 1948 in San Joaquin County, California.1 Robert married, 28 June 1969 in Plumas County, California, Lorraine E. Ghidossi2 (born ca. 1947, parents not determined2).

  1. California Birth Index, 1905-1995, available at and, Robert Melville Wakefield, born 14 December 1948 in San Joaquin [County], California; mother: Searing.
  2. California Marriage Index, 1960-1985, Wakefield, Robert M., age 20; and Ghidossi, Lorraine E., age 22; married on 28 June 1969 in Plumas [County], California.