Gazlay Family History

FamilyHenry Spencer, Jr.


FatherHenry Spencer (3 July 1774 - 13 August 1853)
MotherHannah Morgan (25 January 1774 - 30 January 1818)

Personal Information

Record Created: 20 March 2013; Last Edited: 20 March 2013 
Person ID5308
NameHenry Spencer, Jr.
Born 10 July 18141
Married to Sarah Cool2


Spouse 1FamilySarah Cool
Married to Henry Spencer, Jr.


  1. Genealogy, Rootsweb (website), Chesebro’ Genealogy. Some sources are cited.
  2. Boards at; Posts by Linda Matteson and John Austin, 5-9 November 1999, regarding Spencer family members, primarily spouses and children of Henry Spencer (1774-1853). The posts include various birth, marriage and death dates and places, plus a few notes pointing out differences between between their respective data. One post provides information on Ambrose Spencer’s children from Spencer family bible pages.