Gazlay Family History

DescendantsDescendants of Amy Lynn Wooldridge

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Father: Richard John ‘Rich’ Wooldridge (born Hoyle), Sr. (7 August 1959 - 8 September 2011)
Mother: Robin Marie Jeffers (27 April 1962 - 13 August 2005)
Key: afChild shown with birth mother and adoptive father
  amChild shown with birth father and adoptive mother
  apChild shown with adoptive parents
xxxxBirth dates are not shown
 for children under age 18
A. Wooldridge
2 spouses/partners
3 descendants
Amy L. Wooldridge
(23 Feb 1983 - )
Robert B. Nelson
(4 Dec 1979 - )
Megan L. Palmisano
(24 Oct 2001 - )
Paul C. Palmisano
(30 Apr 1979 - )
Megan L. Palmisanoaf
(24 Oct 2001 - )
Note: Megan is shown here with her adoptive parent(s). She was previously shown with her birth parents.
Alex P. Palmisano
( xxxx - )
Samuel C. Palmisano
( xxxx - )