Gazlay Family History

DescendantsDescendants of Rev. Charles Elmer Furman

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Father: Benjamin Mather Furman (31 October 1827 - 6 January 1918)
Mother: Hetty Morrell Smith (September 1831 - 2 January 1909)
Key: afChild shown with birth mother and adoptive father
  amChild shown with birth father and adoptive mother
  apChild shown with adoptive parents
xxxxBirth dates are not shown
 for children under age 18
C. Furman
4 spouses/partners
9 descendants
Charles E. Furman
(ca. 1869 - )
Ida M. Fay
(ca. 1869 - 5 May 1948)
Daisy F. Furman
(4 Mar 1894 - 26 May 1973)
John W. Boutcher
(30 Sep 1892 - 12 Jul 1975)
Alice I. Boutcher
(ca. 1928 - )
John Boutcher
(ca. 1934 - )
Howard R. Furman
(28 Apr 1900 - Dec 1973)
Theresa Konkel
(17 Dec 1900 - Dec 1980)
Howard R. Furman, Jr.
(ca. Sep 1929 - )
Eleanor T. Furman
(ca. 1933 - )
Lavinia F. Furman
(ca. 1938 - )
Grace I. Furman
(Apr 1940 - )
Amos M. Furman
(31 May 1908 - 16 Apr 1995)
Evelyn F. Overton
(3 May 1912 - Jan 1980)