Gazlay Family History

DescendantsDescendants of Dr. William Doloway Churchill

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Father: Henry Churchill (1 December 1794 - 4 December 1866)
Mother: Helen Mott (22 October 1798 - 9 March 1875)
Key: afChild shown with birth mother and adoptive father
  amChild shown with birth father and adoptive mother
  apChild shown with adoptive parents
xxxxBirth dates are not shown
 for children under age 18
W. Churchill
5 spouses/partners
5 descendants
William D. Churchill
(17 Jun 1818 - 28 Aug 1857)
Mary Jackson
(24 Dec 1823 - )
Sydney F. Churchill
(18 Sep 1844 - 22 Dec 1884)
Amelia A. Kiesling
(Oct 1850 - 28 Mar 1919)
Minnie E. Churchill
(22 Jun 1869 - )
George R. Williams
(Nov 1849 - )
Helen A. Churchill
(26 May 1873 - )
Mary A. Churchill
(17 Dec 1846 - )
John D. Green
(ca. 1838 - )
Helen M. Churchill
(Jun 1849 - 6 Apr 1855)