Gazlay Family History

Family HistoryFamily History - Robert Latimer

Key:1.“+” before a child’s name indicates the child has their own entry in the next generation.
 2.“born xxxx” indicates the child is under 18 years of age so the birth date is not shown.
This family history features Robert Latimer and his immediate family.

First Generation
1. Robert Latimer,1 born 20 September 1941 in Liebhardt, Town of Rochester, Ulster County, New York, the son of Peter Jacob Latimore and Cornelia Lemunyan.1, 2, 3 Robert married, 30 September 1967 in Kingston, Ulster County, New York, Judith Ann Carlson4 (born ____, parents not determined).

  1. Birth Announcement, The Kingston Daily Freeman, Kingston, New York (available at, 24 September 1941, Leibhardt, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Latimore are the parents of a son, born at their home Saturday, September 20.
  2. U.S. Federal Census, 1950, New York, Ulster County, Woodstock, E.D. 56-129, Sheet No. 6, Ethel Lattimore, 11, New York; Robert Lattimore, 8, New York; Nancy Lattimore, 7, New York. They are borders in the household of Arthur Sickler, 57, New York.
  3. This is publicly viewable information found in various public information repositories, people finding websites, and/or social media.
  4. Marriage Announcement, Kingston Daily Freeman, Kingston, New York, 5 October 1967, Miss Judith Ann Carlson and Robert Latimore, married on 30 September 1967 in Kingston, New York. The article provides the names of their parents and others in the wedding party.