Gazlay Family History

SearchSearch by Middle Name: Van Wyck

Our Database Contains:
2,403First Names
1,783Middle Names

Names are sorted alphabetically by last name, and include applicable name variations:

  • [No suffix] - Birth name for a person with no name changes other than for marriage
  • (born _____) - Birth name prior to a legal change of name (such as for adoption)
  • (later _____) - Name that was legally changed from birth name (such as for adoption)
  • (née _____) - Birth name that was changed due to marriage.

Click on a letter to display middle names starting with that letter. Next, click on a middle name. (Middle names with more than 50 individuals are displayed in groups. Click on the Select button for the desired group. Use the navigation links to change groups.) Then click on a person’s name.

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Van Wyck (7 people with this middle name):

Heacock, Helen Van Wyck (20 November 1885 - 18 April 1906)
Heacock, Helena Van Wyck (2 December 1857 - 25 March 1898)
Pope, Barbara Van Wyck (ca. 1942 - )
Pope, George Van Wyck (5 August 1894 - 5 March 1972)
Pope, Reid Van Wyck (2 November 1950 - )
Pope, Stephen Van Wyck (28 December 1944 - )
Pope, Thomas Van Wyck (18 March 1925 - March 1983)