Names are sorted alphabetically by last name, and include applicable name variations:
Click on a letter to display surnames starting with that letter. Next, click on a surname. (Surnames with more than 50 individuals are displayed in groups. Click on the Select button for the desired group. Use the navigation links to change groups.) Then click on a person’s name.
Herman, Albert Kenneth (16 July 1907 - 14 February 2001)
Herman, Alberta Kathryn (26 October 1926 - 16 July 2017)
Herman, Arnold L. (ca. 1923 - )
Herman, Barbara Gail (née Wahlstrom) (20 September 1950 - )
Herman, Betty Ann (March 1928 - )
Herman, Christopher (January 1827 - )
Herman, Clara (8 August 1932 - 30 September 2019)
Herman, Clarence Lee (28 October 1892 - 11 March 1893)
Herman, Daniel J. (1 October 1956 - )
Herman, Daniel Stuart (17 March 1929 - 17 March 2000)
Herman, Dolores Jean (21 February 1931 - 17 December 2020)
Herman, Elizabeth Irene ‘Dolly’ (née Sherry) (23 May 1903 - 19 December 1984)
Herman, Esther Leona (10 August 1908 - 24 November 1978)
Herman, Evelyn Elaine (18 January 1916 - 22 January 1999)
Herman, Frank David (12 May 1871 - 2 January 1963)
Herman, Freddie Lawrence (2 December 1895 - July 1969)
Herman, Gary Gene (12 November 1948 - )
Herman, Gertrude Grace (née Henspeter) (8 July 1913 - 17 December 2002)
Herman, Hattie Belle (21 July 1898 - 2 July 1994)
Herman, Ilah Naomi (23 October 1913 - 10 August 2015)
Herman, Kenneth C. (25 February 1921 - 31 December 1989)
Herman, Lawrence (2 August 1931 - 21 July 1934)
Herman, Leona Almira (née Gazley) (14 December 1873 - 25 January 1935)
Herman, Lisa S. (7 June 1954 - )
Herman, Lonnie Lee (9 March 1940 - )
Herman, Lorna E. (née Bromley) (20 January 1908 - 6 May 1986)
Herman, Margaret (22 January 1906 - 17 November 1937)
Herman, Margaret A. ‘Maggie’ (née Snyder) (October 1843 - )
Herman, Mariam June (31 July 1933 - 1 August 2008)
Herman, Maxine Diane (7 December 1946 - )
Herman, Mildred Fern (10 March 1910 - 6 August 2005)
Herman, Minnie Arlene (3 January 1894 - 2 January 1983)
Herman, Oral R. (née Dick) (1895 - 1967)
Herman, Patricia Ann ‘Trish’ (née Walls) (8 August 1930 - 1 August 2013)
Herman, Ralph David (6 January 1904 - 30 August 1986)
Herman, Ruby Gladys (6 September 1901 - 11 June 1969)
Herman, Wilson Howard (21 November 1912 - 20 April 1986)