Gazlay Family History

DescendantsDescendants of Ronald Edgar Abell, Jr.

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Father: Ronald Edgar Abell (30 September 1932 - 10 July 2021)
Mother: Gloria Jean Palmisano (8 August 1934 - 21 November 2006)
Key: afChild shown with birth mother and adoptive father
  amChild shown with birth father and adoptive mother
  apChild shown with adoptive parents
xxxxBirth dates are not shown
 for children under age 18
R. Abell
6 spouses/partners
5 descendants
Ronald E. Abell, Jr.
(3 Feb 1956 - )
Lori Christian
(ca. 1958 - )
Randall J. Abell
(22 Apr 1981 - )
Heather Moon
(20 Jul 1981 - )
Holly L. Cousins
(ca. 1963 - )
Molly L. Abell
(23 Nov 1988 - )
Jose Rodriguez
(ca. 1984 - )
Adriel L. Rodriguez
( xxxx - )
Nile Rodriguez
( xxxx - )
Ronnie Abell
(2 Jul 1991 - )
Darlene McNeil
(31 Dec 1963 - )